n.e.d., ned 뜻
국어 번역
- phrase, New English Dictionary
- ned noun, 남자 이름(Edward, Edmond, Edwin의
- n.e.d.c. phrase, (영)National Economic Development Council
- n.e., n/e phrase, no effects
- n.e.s., n.e.s. phrase, not elsewhere specified(stated)별도로 특별기재가 없을 경우에는
- e, d, t, phrase, Eastern daylight time(미)동부 서머 타임
- e, d, d, phrase, English Dialect Dictionary
- ned noun, 남자 이름(Edward, Edmond, Edwin의 애칭)
- e by n phrase, east by north
- n.e. phrase, northeast(ern)
- d, n, phrase, Daily News D/N x, debit note차변표 d-n v, =DAMN
- d-n v, =DAMN D, N, x, Daily News D/N x, debit note차변표
- d/n phrase, debit note차변표 D, N, x, Daily News d-n v, =DAMN
- n.a.s.d phrase, National Amalgamated Stevedores and Dockers, National Association of Security Dealers
- n.d. phrase, no date, no delivery, not dated